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Oh No! - October Snow!

October 31, 2011

Northern New Jersey, home of Tikalon, experienced a major snow storm on Saturday, October 29, 2011. The snow was wet and heavy, and trees still had most of their leaves; so, there were many fallen trees and tree limbs. These took down power lines, so we were without power from 2:45 PM Saturday until 8:30 PM Monday.

The following photograph of our backyard is representative of most homes in our area.

Fallen tree limbs caused by heavy snow, October, 29, 2011.

Fallen tree limbs caused by heavy snow, October, 29, 2011. (Photo by author).


  1. 2 Million Without Power in Northeastern US After Rare Snowstorm, Voice of America, October 31, 2011.

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Linked Keywords: Morris County, New Jersey; Northern New Jersey; Nor'easter; snow storm; power line.

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